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Data Migration

Even though Master Data has in recent years become a focus point of the IT industry in large corporate companies, a surprisingly low number of companies actually implement and follow proper Master Data Governance. Different Master Data cleansing projects are often executed and little or no master data management practices are instituted to keep the data clean. Consulting in Master Data Governance is therefore about the creation of a corporate culture in which the importance and goals of Master Data Governance is well defined and understood, and therefore practiced in a goal orientated manner.

Our migration services include: 

  • Data Integration, transformation and optimisation to conv Data integration, transformation and optimisation to convert data to a reliable, usable resource for business insight and operations.
  • Alignment of configuration, master and transactional data to optimise data footprint for optimal migration from legacy to SAP or SAP to SAP environments (on-premises and cloud)
  • Analysis of large volumes of data, structured and unstructured, from any data source for customer consumption or strategic advisory services.

Our Data migration approach: 

  • Data Profiling
  • Data Extraction
  • Data Cleansing & Remediation
  • Data Mapping
  • Data Load
  • Data Validation